Terms like “editing” and “retouching” are often thrown around interchangeably by photographers which can be very confusing. I define “Editing” to be as simple as correcting the exposure and colours of an image, perhaps fixing some major blemishes, then sharpening and cropping. It would also include the use of filters or presets for colour grading. Perfect for natural and realistic looking images.
Retouching begins once we go past this point. Skin retouching and contouring is often the centre of retouching but it can also include removing smaller blemishes, stray hairs, body creases, distracting background elements, a subtle nip & tuck where appropriate, enhancing the eyes, brows, teeth, local contrast and applying finishing touches to make the image pop. If you are self-conscious about your body or you are looking to really stand out above the rest, this may be for you.
“Magazine Quality Retouching” is another term thrown around a lot but there is no such thing as “magazine quality” retouching. In fact, magazine standards are extremely low these days so it is no longer a measure of quality in any way and you should be wary of what you are actually paying for.
I offer a premium retouching service which is not included by default in any packages due to the combination of time and skill it requires. Very few others actually offer this and chances are, you just don’t need it. Specialty retouching such as composite work or tattoo removal may incur additional costs if they are extreme.